Image and its declination between identity and memory. From (Im)perfect advertising to (I’m)perfect advertising

Roberta Casale


(Im)perfect advertising speaks about normality. The new celebrity image, (re)built on impactful and socially relevant themes, allows the brand to create its own universe of meanings to gain visibility in a context saturated with messages: a scenario in which normality replaces the construction of the perfect image of the beginning of the millennium.
A new aesthetic paradigm emerges. This work uses a qualitative methodological approach to investigate the phenomenon from a social and communicative point of view. Focusing on the new testimonials it analyzes a communication strategy that – using emotional storytelling – draws on the values and linguistic codes of social advertising to communicate a
commercial product. The focus of the analysis is the unexpected consequences of a communication that, beyond the economic objectives, gives visibility to issues that fuel important discussions. The memorization of the message plays a fundamental role in producing those effects not contemplated in the intentions of the communication strategy: inclusive
advertising, through the repetition of the message, removes socially relevant issues from oblivion. It is interesting to observe how the media arena – thanks to its persuasive power and its ability to bring hidden realities to the fore – creates a “new great narrative” that can help to transform “collective identity” through the memorization of a message which speaks about social values.


Identity, communication, memory, lifestyle

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ISSN 2282-0043 - Registered at the Court of Rome on Nov. 8, 2012, no. 305/2012

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