A life in search for meaning. Art and justice à propos of Eichmann’s trial

Silvia Londynski Vaks


Adolf Eichmann’s influence has passed through the author family’s life for four generations. His father’s, because of his emigration from Poland before WWII, his activism within the Jewish diaspora community and participation in Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem. The children's, because of their Jewish education in a family fled from the anti-Semitism, and the grandchildren’s and great-grandchildren’s respect for the memory, tradition, and its creative continuity. This work is a reflection on the marks of the Shoah in a Buenos Aires family, the perpetuation of inherited testimonials, and the possibilities of experiencing justice through art.


Memory, Family, Shoah, Meaning

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Londynski B. (2009). Memorias de una vida intensa. Buenos Aires. Non published.

Pakman M. (2014) Texturas de la imaginación. Mas allá de la ciencia empírica y del giro lingüístico. Barcelona. Gedisa.

Cervio R. and Liji M. (2016). The German Neighbour. Film. Argentina.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12869/TM2019-1-02


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ISSN 2282-0043 - Registered at the Court of Rome on Nov. 8, 2012, no. 305/2012

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