The feelings of those who have been expelled. Notes on some psychoanalysts forced to leave Genoa because of the Italian Racial Laws

Cosimo Schinaia


The separations the Jewish professionals were forced to because of the racial laws were violent, traumatic, brutal, not deeply sought-after. They had to hide and unjustly suffered the distancing from their scientific interests, but they also promoted in some cases passages, transitions from one cultural landscape to another, exchange of ideas, transpositions of concepts, models from one world to the other. The author recalls the story of Emilio Servadio, Ettore Rieti, Stefano Fajrajzen, three Genoese psychoanalysts, who did not return in Genoa and made good fortune elsewhere



memory, feelings, Servadio, Rieti, Fajrajzen

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ISSN 2282-0043 - Registered at the Court of Rome on Nov. 8, 2012, no. 305/2012

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