To write is bread. The function of writing for Edith Bruck

Elisa Guida


The article proposes a transversal reading of the narrative work of an Italian narrator, Edith Bruck (pseudonym of Edith Steinschreiber), a Hungarian Jewish woman who survived Nazi barbarity. Examining some novels published between 1959 and 2009, it questions the function of the writing in the process of the development of the trauma. More precisely, it singles out the three deep routes that motivate the narration in the individual need to give vent to one’s feelings (therapy), in the need to weigh heavily in society (tradition) and in the necessity of oblivion (truce). Focussing the attention on these aspects, the course is outlined, human and intellectual, of a woman who has made from words the main means of elaboration of a mourning that is individual and collective.


Shoah; Writing; Atonement

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ISSN 2282-0043 - Registered at the Court of Rome on Nov. 8, 2012, no. 305/2012

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